Dave beat Lisa by 4, but Lisa has a 5 point lead. Updated Aug 28th, 2023
Lisa's Story
I always believed I was a healthy person eating a lot of salads & vegetables, chicken and fish as well as limiting my carbs and exercising every day however, after meeting up with a past friend Dave Brown (Founder of P53 Diet), and learning about his P53 Plant-Based diet I realized that I like many people didn’t understand the real importance of what you eat and how it affects your body. Dave’s diet is not only a great lifestyle choice it is also a valuable resource for many people with cancer and other ailments to have a place they know they can get pure good food that will benefit them. It was easy for me to partner up with Dave Brown and help develop many recipes in the P53 program some of which are featured in the P53 food trucks and on our catering menu! I am so excited to spread the word about how to eat healthy using the P53 Plant-Based Diet by sharing our great-tasting food with you. Enjoy and eat healthy people!

Lisa’s Food Cart will be used in Multnomah County, Oregon. Stay tuned for more info on the placement of Lisa’s P53 Food Cart. This P53 Food Cart will be at events in Oregon and available to cater. The P53 Group will being to the trailer to Bend, Oregon.

Lisa Peterson (center) inside P53 Troutdale Station was interviewed along with Steve & Tonya Larsen owners of the P53 Troutdale Station Food Cart and Kohr Harlan KOIN TV reporter.